How to Track Click Conversions in Google Analytics

| Jul 02 2015


If you would like to track the clicks of a phone icon, phone number, link to an external site, or any link for that matter – you can easily do that by adding a couple of lines of code to your site. This way you can even split test two different coloured buttons on the site and see which works well for you page.

If you would like to set a particular event as a goal, that can then be that event can be set up as a goal in Google Analytics.

This post will tell you how to do both. (more…)

How Mobile Devices are Changing the Way we do Business

| Jun 30 2015


Want to share an image? There is an app for that. Want to check your stocks? There is an app for that too. Want to find a dog sitter or hitch a ride? Yep, there are apps for that too.

The average person under the age of 65 is glued to their smartphone and statistics show that over 94% of owners would feel nervous or panicky without being able to access their phone for a day.


4 Rock Solid Reasons You Should Be Using Exit-Intent Popups

| Jun 22 2015


You’ve spent months, maybe even years tweaking your website, driving traffic and optimising your landing page only to have your customers abandon ship before they even reach the checkout page.

If this is the case, you are not alone.

An average of just 5.31% make it to the cart and even less actually checkout and complete the transaction.

All hope however, is not lost thanks to Exit-Intent Pop-Ups that grab your visitors attention and entice them to make an action before they abandon your website.


How to Choose The Best Traffic Source For Your Market

| Jun 11 2015


Everyone wants traffic to their website and lot’s of it, but instead of going after quantity, what about the quality? Believe it or not, one traffic source does not fit all, instead you have to really go after the platforms that your target audience is spending time on. For example, it would be absolutely pointless running an ad for warm winter jackets in the peak of the summer in Mumbai, India. Just the same, it would be pointless running an ad for summer t-shirts in the peak of the winter in Anchorage, Alaska. (more…)

Google Analytics 101

| Jun 05 2015


Did you know that over 80% of website owners are using Google Analytics incorrectly?

Sure, it’s easy enough to navigate through the “vanity” metrics such as sessions, users and bounce rate, but what other metrics can you observe to really help you drive traffic to your business and boost sales?

Google Analytics is not just a data tool, in fact Google Analytics can provide you with clues and actions to help increase conversions and traffic, you just have to know what to look for.


11 Conversion Secrets from the Biggest Online Retailers

| Jun 02 2015


When you are running a big, multi-million dollar e-commerce store it is very easy to allocate huge chunks of the budget into studying ways to increase conversions however, whether your business is big or small, you don’t have to sacrifice the same type of investment. There are ways to learn what the others spend millions to discover, and it is through watching the subtle trends and processes of the biggest e-commerce stores in the world. Here are 11 conversion secrets taken from the biggest online retailers:

1. Customer Confidence

Customers who are not confident about your brand, service or product do not typically complete a purchase. The most common fears from customers are:

  • Not receiving what they are promised
  • Being ripped off
  • Having their personal information compromised

Kogan, an online retailer that generates 250 million plus in online sales discovered that they could appease customers concerns by displaying their terms of service very clearly during the shopping process.


5 Psychological Tactics Behind Pricing

| May 28 2015


Have you chosen your product pricing based on psychology?

Pricing involves more than just making sure that you are getting a return on your investment, it is also deeply psychological.

When it comes to creating a price point, you want to be able to tune into your customers needs and create a sense of value.

If you want to know the top psychological factors that go into pricing products then you are in the right place…Here are 5 of the best:


6 of the Biggest Landing Page Mistakes

| May 19 2015


Is your Landing Page struggling to convert?

Landing pages are designed to reflect the ultimate objective and purpose of your brand, this is why they are crucial in the process of obtaining a sale.

The landing page is one of the early stages in the sales funnel and needs to engage customers instantly in order for them to continue.

There are many things that make Landing pages successful and then there are also factors that make them engineered to loose money.

Here are 6 of the biggest landing page mistakes that could be costing your business:

1.) No Clear Objective 

There should be one main objective for your sales page- not five, not four, not even two. Just One. Think about the most desirable action for your customers to take, such as ordering an information packet, and then centre your Landing Page around that factor.
