The Ultimate Checklist for Creating White Papers

| Aug 28 2015


White Papers or offers are any pieces of content on your website that sit behind a form. These include ebooks, guides or reports that consumers can access through entering their details.

Running an offer or a white paper, can be extremely effective in generating sales and leads for your business. It is also a great way to establish your brand and offer value to your new and existing clients.


4 Psychological Hacks to Improve your Copywriting

| Aug 24 2015


Having copy that resonates with your audience and provokes them to continue through your sales funnel requires not only an understanding of your target audience and what they need, but also behavioural psychology.

Buying is not only a practical process it is also an emotional one, and sometimes the missing link between converting your traffic into paying customers is all in the psychology.


How to Create the Perfect Pricing Page

| Aug 12 2015


Is your pricing page compelling customers to spend or scaring them away?

Chances are one of the last few steps in your sales funnel is the pricing page and the last thing you want to do here is scare away your potential customers for good.

When putting together a website or e-commerce store, many businesses overlook the pricing page component. Sure, the dollars and cents matter but everything on the pricing page itself can either make or break getting the sale.


8 Killer Content Ideas to Grow Leads

| Aug 11 2015


Are you looking for a way to take your content to the next level?

Over 86 percent of businesses use content marketing in order to promote their products, build their brand and to establish a connection with their audience.

While offering content is a great way to generate leads and sales it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd- remember over 86 percent of businesses are also competing for readers attention as well.


7 Steps to the Best Infographics

| Aug 05 2015


How can you keep the attention of your readers when there is so much competing content?


Infographics have become the popular new medium for companies to deliver information quickly and effectively to audiences.

Infographics are basically visual images that include charts, data and other relevant statistics in order to provide relevant information on a certain topic.

As it has been said- “a good infographic is worth a thousand words.”


When to Call it Quits on Your Marketing Campaign

| Jul 10 2015


Marketing is both a science and an art.

It takes creativity but also looking and observing statistics to make rational predictions and indications.

Taking a risk on a marketing strategy is a bold move that every marketer should be given the luxury of exploring at some point in order to create revolutions. But what happens when your campaign doesn’t seem to be hitting the right notes?


How To Build Trust On Your E-Commerce Store

| Jul 07 2015


Is your e-commerce store trustworthy?

No matter how good your products, services or price is, no customer is going to purchase from your online store if they don’t trust you.

With big e-commerce giants out there like Amazon and Google Shopping it can be hard for smaller companies to compete. This is why it is super important to evoke a feeling of trust in your customers when they visit your page and move through your checkout process.
