
Are you looking for a way to take your content to the next level?

Over 86 percent of businesses use content marketing in order to promote their products, build their brand and to establish a connection with their audience.

While offering content is a great way to generate leads and sales it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd- remember over 86 percent of businesses are also competing for readers attention as well.

In today’s saturated content market, it’s not just enough to post a mediocre blog every other week and expect your audience to be engaged, instead you have to make a bold content strategy and stick to it.

Studies have found that by being consistent and offering your readers a wide variety of content styles you can attract a wider and more engaged audience.

If you are looking to revamp your content strategy, here are 8 top notch ideas to get you started:

1. In depth blog post


Research has found that longer style posts tend to rank better in search results and seem to draw in a larger crowd over time. Taking the time to write a few in depth posts can help to not only establish your business as an expert in its field, but it can also help to draw in an engaged audience.

You don’t have to spend every day writing a lengthy blog post, but having at least one to two long form posts every week or so can definitely help your company to stand out from the crowd.

2. Resource list


Offering content is about offering value and what better way to show your customers how much you care than to offer a list of resources that may be relevant to their needs.

Brainstorm a few topic ideas that may be of interest to your demographic and then work on establishing a list of resources. For example, say you run a florist shop. You may want to include a resource list of seasonal plants, the best flowers to give on certain holidays or the most popular flowers of the month.

List style posts are some of the most read online so definitely think of creative ways to integrate more lists into your content.

3. Publish your own research

Does your company have a case study or its own research that could be of interest to others? If so, consider publishing your findings and research in a blog post.

This will not only offer value to your readers but it will also help to establish your brand as a leading authority and voice in your industry.

Writing this style of post may also get you referenced in other popular blogs that are similar to your brand, helping you to grow your audience.

4. Interview an influencer

Getting an industry leader to provide a statement or interview is a great way to get your content noticed and to drive traffic to your site. It is also a great way to tap into the network of your influencer.

This style of post can vary from a written post to a video and even a podcast or webinar. Try experimenting with different mediums to see which is the most effective.

Quotes from your industry expert can also be effectively marketed on social media platforms like Twitter to help draw audiences to your page.

5. Video Content 

Studies have found that web users are consuming more and more video content than ever before. To tap into this growing market, consider creating a series of videos on a particular topic.

Keep the videos short, to the point and easy for people to follow along. Also be consistent with releasing the next video in your series- aim to post a new clip at least once a week.

A great way to market this type of content is through your email list, that way your followers can instantly be notified when a new video has gone up.


6. Quotes from Experts

Another style of post that often does well is to ask a series of experts the same question and then reference their response in one post.

For example, perhaps you ask a series of CEO’s what their one tip for productivity is and include all of their answers in the same article in quote style. This way your audience can read a variety of opinions on the same topic.

The benefit with this style of post is that often the experts will also share it amongst their own network, helping you to draw in more traffic.

7. Convert your blogs to Slideshare

You are probably well aware now of the growing popularity of infographics and other types of visual content. To tap into this field, consider converting your content into slides.

One blog found that by converting their posts using Slideshare they were able to gain 243,000 new views on their blog in just a 30 day period.

While content reposting or creating an infographic can be time consuming, the results may be well worth it.

8. Compile blogs into an ebook 

Taking your most popular blogs and compiling them into an ebook is a great way to give your customers value and to establish yourself as an authority.

The best strategy with this is to take your most popular posts and arrange them into a 20-40 page book with a catchy title. This should be easy to do seeing as majority of your content is already written.

A great way to promote your ebook is to offer it for free to help you build up a solid email list. You can also post your book on Amazon to generate additional revenue and reach a wider audience.

When it comes to creating engaging content remember to be consistent, to experiment with different mediums and to offer value to your readers and clients.