Real Estate SEO To Grow Listings And Sales

| Jul 21 2015


If you have ever purchased or rented a property then chances are you have spent hours scrolling through images and listings online in order to find the right one.

In fact, if this rings true for you then know that you are not alone. A whopping 90 percent of people claim to use the internet when house hunting and another 53 percent claim to use the internet as their starting point for purchasing a home.


Are Apps the Future of Marketing?

| Jul 14 2015


Is the future of the marketing industry centred around apps?

There are believed to be over six billion smartphones spread across the world and most of these smartphones are located in countries like Australia.

On these smartphones are also plenty of apps, from social media apps, to GPS apps and even gaming apps. In fact, mobile use has become so popular that many people use their device to browse the web, purchase products and share files.


Growth Hacking 101

| Jul 13 2015


What is Growth Hacking?

Growth Hacking is taking marketing and a strong technical background and bringing it all together to create low cost, inbound marketing solutions that help to rapidly grow a company.

The term ‘growth hacker’ was coined back in 2010 by Sean Ellis after he helped many internet companies achieve incredible growth in a short period of time by not only using his marketing skills, but also his technical skills. Because rapid growth required both of these important skills, the term ‘growth hacker’ was formed.


When to Call it Quits on Your Marketing Campaign

| Jul 10 2015


Marketing is both a science and an art.

It takes creativity but also looking and observing statistics to make rational predictions and indications.

Taking a risk on a marketing strategy is a bold move that every marketer should be given the luxury of exploring at some point in order to create revolutions. But what happens when your campaign doesn’t seem to be hitting the right notes?


Understanding the #Hashtag

| Jul 09 2015


Everyone uses hashtags but do you know how to use them effectively?

Hashtags were first introduced back in 2009 and quickly became popular on Twitter. Initially they were used for “tweet chats” but today, they are used for so much more such as reaching your target market, get your content to go viral and improving your SEO.


How to Market to Millenials

| Jul 05 2015


Millennials (noun); a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000.

Millennials or young adults currently aged between 18 to 34, have $1.3 trillion in annual buying power and are the largest generation by population size, making them one of the most important demographics for marketers.
