7 Tools of Persuasion That Are Proven to Work

| Apr 18 2015


We are surrounded by persuasion all day.

The average adult is exposed to around 300 different forms of advertising on a daily basis. If you live in the city, this number is more like 5000.

Even though we are exposed to all of this advertising every day, for the most part our brain tunes it out and we notice less than half of it.

Because of this, psychologists and marketers alike have been coming up with tools and strategies to help their ads stand out from the crowd. They do this by persuading consumers using imagery, language, social conditioning and more.

There is a lot of competition out there and if you want your customers to make that purchase quickly and without regret, here are 7 tools of persuasion that have been proven to work for both brick-and-mortar and online businesses:


What Does Your Shipping Package Say About Your Brand?

| Apr 17 2015


When you are running a product based business often it really comes down to the finer details in order to stay competitive and relevant.

We talk a lot about building a great website, how to market your products and so on, but what about how to package them?

Your shipping packaging will be the first thing your customers see, why not make it something exciting? Why not make them feel that they have purchased something special?

First impressions count, so use your packaging as an opportunity to squeeze every last chance to make a connection with your customer. (But of course, don’t forget to also ensure that your packaging is safe and secure so your products arrive in perfect condition.)

Here are 5 ways you can update your shipping packaging to resonate with your brand:


Making Sense of SEO

| Apr 15 2015


Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO can be a convoluted and difficult concept to understand, especially because search engines like Google are very private when it comes to their algorithms and are constantly making changes and updates.

It can be overwhelming for companies and marketers alike to stay on top of SEO, however it is paramount to getting your website noticed and ranked on the first page of search results.

Due to the somewhat volatile nature of SEO, professional guidance is usually recommended however, there is one important factor that you can attack on your own…..


It doesn’t sound glamorous, but optimising your website with relevant and targeted keywords is the best way to begin building a solid SEO foundation.

Here’s how:

1.) Determine Your Keywords

First you need to work out what keywords you wish to target. These keywords are the phrases or terms that users will type into a search engine in order to find your page. Google offers a keyword planner tool which can help you determine how certain keywords are performing. Experiment with using broad and specific keywords to see what returns a better result for your company. Another way to come up with relevant keywords is to ask yourself- what would users type in to find my content or website?


5 Of the Latest Trends in Marketing

| Apr 14 2015


As technology is rapidly changing so too should your marketing strategy. Let’s face it, we all rely on technology and if you are not keeping up with the latest trends and updating your business, you could get left behind.

Marketing statistics from 2014 saw a huge increase in social media advertising and the launch of bigger and better smartphones also saw a turn in mobile advertising.

In fact, for the last few years, mobile advertising is growing at a rapid rate, and if you are yet to take a piece of this marketing pie then you may be missing out.

Based on the trends from last year and predictions from expert marketers, here are the 5 top marketing trends that you need to be using:

1.) Mobile Advertising

Ok, mobile advertising is nothing new, but getting savvy about how and when to advertise on mobile devices is paramount. Today, more and more consumers are using their mobile to scan websites and make purchases. Google’s algorithm is also now going to be favouring mobile friendly websites, which means that if you have not configured your site for the digital age, you will get left behind.

Make your mobile site touch-screen friendly and keep your CTA’s simple, clear and easy to navigate through. If you are running an advertising campaign, tailor your ads for mobile devices and consider advertising on apps.

Alternatively, if it is suitable for your company, why not launch your own app? More and more consumers rely on their smartphones and tablets for information. If you can be right there on their smartphone home screen you are more likely to have a customer for life.


10 Things to Split Test On Your Site

| Apr 10 2015


Do you want to increase your conversion rates and boost your sales? Of course you do, which is why you split test your site….Right?

Split testing is one of the most important tools when it comes to website design and conversion rates, yet a lot of businesses overlook it. They spend tens of thousands, if not more, on a great website design but then fail to upgrade or make changes, especially if it appears to be converting well.

With so many businesses competing online, “converting well” can sometimes not be enough. Forget converting “well”, don’t you want to convert “fantastically”?

This is where Split Testing comes into play, and it can be easy to do if you have the right tools and support in place.

Split testing basically means that you test two different design or content elements of your site to see which one yields higher conversions. This allows you to tailor your webpage to your specific demographic and target audience.


Why Having an E-Book Can Increase Your Conversions

| Apr 08 2015


The internet is inundated with content which means there is a lot of information out there which is all competing for consumers attention.

If you want to set your products and business apart, if you want to really go one step above and beyond the game, then perhaps launching an e-book is the way to go.

e-Book sales have been growing rapidly since they were first launched. In fact in from 2008-2012, ebook sales rose by 4,400% from $68 million to $3 billion. Amazon has also stated that e-book sales are higher today than hard copy sales. (more…)

4 Factors that Create the Perfect Call to Action Button

| Apr 04 2015


How well do your call-to-action (CTA) buttons convert into a desirable action on your website?

Your CTA buttons are like the stepping stones through your sales funnel. They support your customers and readers from the ad or homepage all the way to the checkout and if they are not effective, chances are your conversion rate will suffer.

Here are 4 all-important factors to consider when designing a CTA button:


15 Social Media Hacks to Boost Engagement

| Apr 02 2015


Social media marketing has become just as important as landing pages and email lists, and if you are not savvy with how it works, chances are you are missing out on some huge conversion opportunities. 

A recent study found that over 30% of websites receive majority of their traffic from social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

If you are one of those sites, or you want to be one of those sites, here are 15 tips that will help you boost your social media performance:


How to Boost Your Email Marketing Strategy

| Apr 01 2015


Is email marketing dead?

Not quite, in fact one study revealed that email marketing was still more effective than social media marketing, but it’s all about obtaining the right balance of giving and receiving.

Here is how you can boost your email marketing strategy:

1.) Build an Email List

There are a number of ways to build a list but here are the most effective:

  • Pop-Ups: Having a pop up box may be annoying, but they work. The trick is to have your pop up display around 8-10 seconds after they have entered your site. This way you are only receiving engaged sign ups but you will have more of their attention. Usually when pop ups display immediately, users are more likely to dismiss them.
  • Sign-Ups: Offering an additional or free services such as an e-book or subscription is a great way to collect email addresses. One thing to keep in mind however, are the different laws surrounding this type of opt-in. In Canada for example, it is against the law to collect an email for one purpose and then use it for marketing another.
  • Partner Up: It is quite common for similar companies to partner up and share email lists. One thing to keep in mind here is privacy- would your customers really appreciate you sharing their information? Usually this type of strategy works best for smaller, niche companies.
  • In-Person: There is nothing wrong with collecting email addresses at trade shows and events and then adding them to your email list, especially if they are interested in your products or services.
