Why Understanding Your Audience Using Google Analytics Is A Must

| Aug 10 2015


Do you understand your audience?

When it comes to running a successful business understanding your audience is the most crucial component. Without being able to understand who is visiting your webpage and purchasing your products there is no way you can possibly grow or leverage your company.

The good news is that there is a simple tool that you can use to help you understand your audience better – Google Analytics.


What Startups Need to Know About Online Security

| Aug 06 2015


When you are first starting out with your online business it can be easy to forget about security- “I am such a small company, who would want to hack me?”….But eventually, this line of thinking may come back to haunt you.

Hacking is a fact of life, in fact over 44 percent of businesses surveyed from the National Small Business Association, reported being hacked. These hacks averaged a cost of around $8,700 each.


7 Steps to the Best Infographics

| Aug 05 2015


How can you keep the attention of your readers when there is so much competing content?


Infographics have become the popular new medium for companies to deliver information quickly and effectively to audiences.

Infographics are basically visual images that include charts, data and other relevant statistics in order to provide relevant information on a certain topic.

As it has been said- “a good infographic is worth a thousand words.”


5 Outdated SEO Tactics That Everyone Needs to Know

| Jul 31 2015


Search Engine Optimisation or SEO can help your webpage to gain traffic, generate leads and can improve your conversion optimisation rate.

The only problem is that it can sometimes be a bit of a mystery to figure out. Rules are constantly changing and Google is constantly updating their algorithms with not much information as to what they are including or not including.


Real Estate SEO To Grow Listings And Sales

| Jul 21 2015


If you have ever purchased or rented a property then chances are you have spent hours scrolling through images and listings online in order to find the right one.

In fact, if this rings true for you then know that you are not alone. A whopping 90 percent of people claim to use the internet when house hunting and another 53 percent claim to use the internet as their starting point for purchasing a home.


How to Track Click Conversions in Google Analytics

| Jul 02 2015


If you would like to track the clicks of a phone icon, phone number, link to an external site, or any link for that matter – you can easily do that by adding a couple of lines of code to your site. This way you can even split test two different coloured buttons on the site and see which works well for you page.

If you would like to set a particular event as a goal, that can then be that event can be set up as a goal in Google Analytics.

This post will tell you how to do both. (more…)

8 Ways to Write Product Descriptions that Sell

| Jun 25 2015


Does your product description simply describe what you are selling or do they offer something more?

Overlooking the product description can be a big mistake when it comes to selling your products and services. In fact, most websites fall into the trap of simply using descriptions to describe the product when really, they should be using it to sell the product instead.

If you are looking to jazz up your product descriptions, here are 8 ways to write product descriptions that sell:
