5 Psychological Tactics Behind Pricing

| May 28 2015


Have you chosen your product pricing based on psychology?

Pricing involves more than just making sure that you are getting a return on your investment, it is also deeply psychological.

When it comes to creating a price point, you want to be able to tune into your customers needs and create a sense of value.

If you want to know the top psychological factors that go into pricing products then you are in the right place…Here are 5 of the best:


How Colours Influence Sales

| May 15 2015


Did you know that 85 percent of all impulse buys are based on colour?

It seems high, but colours run deep in our psychology and are key factors in the clothes we wear, the car we drive and how we decorate our surroundings.

Whether we realize it or not, colours play an important role in both the conscious and subconscious decision to purchase a product. This is because colours have the ability to make us feel a certain way and in turn, can trigger us to make a purchase or abandon our shopping cart altogether.

One study even found that up to 90% of all judgements made about a product were based on the colour of it.


8 Steps On How to Create a Viral Campaign

| May 14 2015


Imagine having a secret recipe that could convert all of your marketing campaigns into viral gold…

Viral campaigns are every marketers dream because not only do they reach a huge audience but they are also shared around by people or potential customers, making them up to 1000 times more effective than a regular campaign.

Unfortunately, there is no secret recipe (at least not yet anyway) on what makes a campaign go viral however there is some research on what will give you the best chances:


7 Formulas to Craft High Converting Headlines

| Apr 22 2015


As a copywriter or blog owner, it is crucial to have a few good headline formulas up your sleeve, especially ones that are proven to convert.

If you don’t, have no fear because we have 7 of the best headline formulas that are highly likely to earn you clicks, sales and more….

Headline #1: Obtain the desired result in a desirable time period

This headline is about making a promise that your target market just absolutely cannot refuse. It is about allowing the consumer to know that they can have exactly what they desire in a desirable amount of days or time period. It creates a compelling and engaging headline that will instantly help you attract the right demographic.

Here are some examples:

-Lose 10 Pounds in Just 10 Days

-Learn How to Speak French in Record Time

– Grow your Investments in 30 days or Less


7 Tools of Persuasion That Are Proven to Work

| Apr 18 2015


We are surrounded by persuasion all day.

The average adult is exposed to around 300 different forms of advertising on a daily basis. If you live in the city, this number is more like 5000.

Even though we are exposed to all of this advertising every day, for the most part our brain tunes it out and we notice less than half of it.

Because of this, psychologists and marketers alike have been coming up with tools and strategies to help their ads stand out from the crowd. They do this by persuading consumers using imagery, language, social conditioning and more.

There is a lot of competition out there and if you want your customers to make that purchase quickly and without regret, here are 7 tools of persuasion that have been proven to work for both brick-and-mortar and online businesses:


How to Write Content That Can Sell

| Mar 26 2015


The secret to writing good sales copy starts here:

1.) Indirect Marketing Vs. Direct Marketing

Working out whether you are going to market your product or service directly or indirectly will have a huge influence on what sales copy you choose to include.

Indirect marketing is basically writing content that helps to capture the attention of your audience and potentially lead to sales. Often indirect marketing offers a lot of free content that persuades the reader to enter their email address, allowing marketers to re-target them. This format is usually beneficial for building a brand and establishing a relationship with your customers.


8 Crucial Steps to Increasing Online Sales

| Mar 25 2015


Sure, having lots of traffic and a large social media following is helpful, but unless your sales page or website is converting into actual sales, does it even really matter?

Buying traffic and blasting all over social media is one thing, but at the end of the day it really comes down to quality.

When traffic finally does come to your site, do they like what they see?

Especially in the beginning when you are still building up a following, having a thoughtful and well-designed website is essential. Here are the 8 most crucial steps to getting your website sale-friendly:

1.) Remove all Conversion Barriers:

Everyone has their own idea over what will and won’t convert well, but some of the things we can all agree on is this-

  • No typo’s or incomplete product descriptions
  • Up to date images and products
  • No difficult to read fonts
  • No slow page loads
  • Avoid clutter


How To Write a Pre-Sell Page For Native Advertising That Will Make Prospects Pull Their Wallets Out

Sabri Suby | Jan 09 2015


Chances are that you have eagerly devoured native-advertising content—many times. Maybe you realized it for what it was, or perhaps you did not. In any case, pre-sell pages are a valuable piece of this concept. If executed correctly, those pre-sell pages accomplish several goals.

First, a few words on native advertising. Basically, it is designed to conceal advertising inside valuable content that benefits readers—content that readers, or viewers, often actively have sought out. Pre-sell pages are what make native advertising shine.

A pre-sell page is the first page a viewer sees. It appears like content. In fact, it IS content—important content. Its aim is to entice readers to click on links to a more-direct sales page or a page for lead generation. Pre-sell pages serve as an inducement. You must not skimp on them because if you do not get them right, customers do not click on the sales pages anyway.


How to Use Autoresponders to Accelerate Your Growth

| Jan 04 2015

Autoresponder Graph

Conversions are in the eye of the beholder. Some marketers with longer sales cycles will call a successful email opt-in a conversion. Although, technically it is a conversion, the fact is that an opt-in doesn’t equate to a sale. A real conversion, for most online businesses, will involve cold hard cash or a credit card number. If you want to land conversions that increase your bottom line, learn the art of the autoresponder. (more…)

A Bulletproof Way to Generate Leads with Content Marketing

| Jan 03 2015


Are you still mystified about how to generate leads from your content marketing? Why not take a bulletproof and scientific approach to your content marketing strategy to generate those leads?

80% of B2B marketers admit that lead generation is their top concern when adopting new content marketing strategies, according to a report done by the Content Marketing Institute. Do you know the steps they take to make that goal a reality? (more…)