How to Network and Reach Out to Influencers Like a Pro

| Apr 17 2017

Building relationships with others is just as important as building your business. In fact, the two often go hand in hand as most of the time, one can’t be achieved without the other.

Whether you are dealing with clients, customers or potential partners, building relationships is crucial to the long-term success of your business.


15 Secret Facts Google Search Doesn’t Want You to Know

| Mar 15 2017



We all know that Google is King when it comes to search, but aside from this statistic, there is hardly any research out there about how internet goers are actually using the top search engine.

Of course, Google will sometimes feed digital marketers with statistics and updates like, how many people searched for a particular topic or how many videos were uploaded to YouTube, but this can only help so much.


How to Boost Your Alexa Ranking

| Feb 28 2017


Your Alexa ranking is an important part of your online business and helps to determine the value of your brand.

Alexa rankings are used to gauge the health of your website or business and whether it is trending up or down. Alexa rankings can also be used to determine the popularity of your business and how it is faring compared with your competitors.


How to Rank at the Top of Google’s Search Results Fast

| Feb 10 2017


How long does it really take to rank at the top of Google’s search results? Unfortunately this question is like asking how long is a piece of string.

There is no set formula or set time frame to get into the good books at Google, but there are some ways that you can give yourself the best chance possible.


How Brands Fail When it Comes to Influencer Marketing

| Aug 29 2016


Influencer marketing has become the latest craze in the marketing world and this trend shows no sign of slowing down.

While influencer marketing can be highly profitable and can help you to yield a positive ROI, there are many pitfalls that can also happen along the way.

Because influencer marketing is relatively new, there is not a lot of research out there, and many marketers are left stabbing around in the dark hoping they can make their strategies work.


The Latest SEO Trends for 2016-2017

| Aug 10 2016



Before we know it 2016 will be gone and 2017 will be here.

In fact, many businesses have already started the countdown to Christmas, which is often one of the highest spending seasons for many brands.

In digital marketing, keeping ahead of the trends is especially important. If you are starting to put strategies into place for the coming months or even for 2017, it is definitely going to be helpful to have some idea of the latest search engine optimisation (SEO) trends.


All You Need to Know About Google RankBrain

| Jun 28 2016


Google announced RankBrain back in October 2015, however since then there have been some considerable updates. While Google continues to remain fairly tight-lipped about how these updates work, we have researched all that you need to know.


How to Increase Organic Traffic to Your Website

| Apr 11 2016


Having a good flow of organic traffic to your website can truly be marketing gold. Why?

Well for one, organic traffic is free, but organic traffic can also help improve your SEO rankings and  boost your conversion rates.

Organic traffic can also teach you more about your site and how users are interacting with it.


How to Optimise Your Mobile Website Like a Pro

Sabri Suby | Mar 09 2016


Did you know the average person checks their phone around 46 times per day?

Whether you approve of it or not, smartphones are becoming an extension of ourselves. People can’t live without them and rely on them more and more every day. Some people even suffer from separation anxiety when they cannot check their phones or don’t have access to them.
