10 Marketing Lessons You Can Learn from Donald Trump

Sabri Suby | Feb 16 2016


Unless you live under a rock you have probably heard about Donald Trump and know that he is currently running to be the President of the United States.

When Donald Trump first announced that he was planning to run for president no one really took him seriously. He was loud, brash and somewhat unrefined, but as time went on people started to realise that Trump actually had far more power and appeal and was actually making a considerable dent in the polls and in the debates.


What Startups Need to Know About Online Security

| Aug 06 2015


When you are first starting out with your online business it can be easy to forget about security- “I am such a small company, who would want to hack me?”….But eventually, this line of thinking may come back to haunt you.

Hacking is a fact of life, in fact over 44 percent of businesses surveyed from the National Small Business Association, reported being hacked. These hacks averaged a cost of around $8,700 each.
